Blog - November 8, 2021

Google Ranking Factors | Rank Higher # 1 on Google | 2023 Guide

Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling to rank your site on Google? Are you looking for a solution to help you get more visitors and improve your rankings on the Google search engine? In this article, I will show you the Google Ranking Factors and the most effective ways to rank your website on Google.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a short and easy path to rank your website. It has become an essential aspect of online marketing because it gives your website a way to show up on Google and other search engines when people search for your product or service.

So, if you want to learn how to use SEO to increase traffic and sell more products, read on…

Google Ranking Factors

Best Google Ranking Factors – Complete Guide 2023

This post provides you with the most effective ways to get a higher ranking on Google, including best SEO practices and proven methods that will help you increase your search engine rankings.

1. Relevant and Quality content 

1.1 Conduct in-depth Keyword Research 

Before writing quality content, you must conduct in-depth research because to write relevant content, you must first have a list of keywords. 

When doing in-depth keyword research, one of the most important things is finding the right terms for your website. If you are not targeting the right keywords, your website may not get the needed traffic. A good way to find the best keywords for your website is to use a tool called Google’s Keyword Planner. This tool will help you find the best terms for your website and will also give you an idea of how much competition you have.

 1.2 How should keywords be placed in content?

For me, keywords are the base of your content; if you develop the right base, you win the competition. When it comes to keyword placement, you need to make sure that you use the right keywords in your content. Using keywords in the right place is important because it can improve how search engines rank your pages and make them more visible on the search engine results page. It can also help you get more traffic to your site.

The keyword density of your content is a very important factor in determining how well your content ranks on search engines. You want to ensure you don’t overstuff your content with keywords.

Instead, you want to use a keyword or two every 50 to 100 words. The most effective way to do this is to place them at the beginning of your sentences. Always use keywords naturally in your content rather than stuffing. 

 1.3 Write Quality and relevant content 

Follow the following steps to write quality content:

Step 1. Understand the Audience and their needs 

Step 2. Understand your business, what you can offer to the audience to help them with your services or products 

Step 3. Prepare a list of Keywords  that relevant to your business

Step 4. Write content, before this have an idea of how your competitors are working

Read more about Google guidelines about quality content: Helpful content Update

2. On-Page Optimization 

Onpage Optimization relates all the elements available on your page or website. For most the websites, this factor comes as a Key factor among all Google Ranking Factors. Consider the following elements: your first step to ranking higher. 

2.1 How and why should Write the catchy title in Onpage optimization

When your title is good and catchy, people will click on your page and read it. They may even click on a link to your site, and you will get a higher Click Through Rate (CTR). Write a title worth to users to grab their attention and hook them to your content. 

Writing a good title is the first step to describing your page and is used to help search engines understand your page. Ensure that your title tag contains the most important keywords for your page, but you must have one per page.

2.2 Always write a good meta description 

A meta description is important to your webpage’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It is also a great way to draw potential visitors to your website. The meta description should be short and sweet, so keep it to one or two sentences. You want to tell people what your page is about and include keywords that describe the page’s content.

2.3 Use headings 

Headings are important when it comes to optimizing content. It would be best to use them to break down your content into sections so your visitors can easily find what they seek.

 Headings are an essential part of any article. They help you organize your content and make it more readable, and they can even help you with SEO. In this post, we’ll explain how headings can help your content be more effective and improve your SEO.

Use one H1 in your content and assign H2, H3, and H4 according to the priority of headings to be crawled by google bots. 

2.4 How to Distribute content into paragraphs in on-page optimization

It will make your website load faster. It will make your website look better on mobile devices as well. It will help you create a more coherent and organized structure. It will improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and make it easier for people to find what they want on your site with structured, readable content. 

Long paragraphs bore the reader and audience; distribute the content into paragraphs so the reader can enjoy reading the content and have a good experience. 

2.5  Why we should Optimize images in on-page optimization

Images are very important when it comes to a website. They can make or break a website’s appearance and performance. It is estimated that 90% of visitors leave a website due to slow loading speeds. That is why it is important to optimize images on your website.

To optimize images, always use plugins t reduce the image’s size and help load webpages with good speed. Moreover, write Alt Image to show your image against keywords and show it in google image. Always write captions of images to give users a better experience. 

The above practices will improve the user experience you follow and the website’s performance. 

2.6 why you should Optimize URL in on-page optimization

There are several benefits to optimizing URLs in on-page optimization, including making it easier for search engines to index your pages and making it easier for visitors to find your website. If you do not optimize your URLs in on-page optimization, it will make it more difficult for search engines to index your website. This can lead to a drop in traffic and a loss of sales.

 A good URL structure always reflects your keyphrase in the URL, which ensures the page’s indexing and makes it easy to rank in google. 

2.7 Write engaging content through  Latent Semantic Indexing (SLI)

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a process of identifying words with similar meanings and then using those words to help you write better content. LSI is a method of analyzing text to see how different words are related and to find out the relationships between different topics.  

In other words, the search engine knows that the websites are related to the topic because they all contain the same keywords.

3. Technical Optimization 

Google Ranking Factors

3.1 Mobile Responsiveness

A website’s ability to work and look good on various-sized devices is referred to as its mobile responsiveness.
The layout of a responsive website changes depending on the device being used to access it. To adapt to the different screen sizes, the information on the page automatically changes.
The components on the page can be moved around. To improve browsing, extraneous images and components are also hidden.

3.2 Fast Page loading speed 

Page speed, also called “load speed,” gauges how quickly a page’s information loads. Fast website speeds are crucial from an SEO perspective. The speed of a website varies between its desktop and mobile versions as well. Higher rankings may result from quicker load times (along with other significant signs). Your search engine results are impacted by page speed because slow websites have a poor user experience. According to Google, if your website takes longer than three seconds to load, the likelihood of a bounce nearly triples.

3.3 Remove Broken Backlinks 

Internal Broken Backlinks

A connection within your website that doesn’t work is an internal link. Broken internal connections can occur if the page’s URL has changed, the page has been deleted, or the page was lost during a migration.

When connections on your site become broken, it prevents search engines like Google from continuing their crawl of your site. Search engine results may suffer if Google considers your site unfinished or unoptimized.

External Broken Backlinks 

Backlinks from other sites are connections on other websites that lead back to yours. They are essentially links to your material on other websites. When you adjust your content or have other issues like broken links or missing pages, your backlinks will no longer be able to support your site and develop authority, which will hurt your search engine rankings once again.

3.4 Improve the Structure of your Website

Google Ranking Factors  - Website Structure

It is very important to improve the structure of your website for the simple reason that Google can tell which pages on your site are most essential based on how they are organized. Which pages of your site get the most attention from search engines depends on how you’ve structured your site. The positive news is that immediate action can be taken to enhance the site’s architecture.

4. How Off-Page Optimization increases the ranking 

Off-page optimization is one of the most important aspects of SEO. It is the process of improving the visibility of your website through other websites that are relevant to your site. It is one of the most effective ways to build links to your site and improve the overall reputation of your site, which can lead to higher search rankings. Let’s explore the important elements!

4.1 Why Relevant and Quality Backlinks important 

Backlinks are important because they help search engines determine a site’s importance to the web. In other words, a link from a reputable website is much more valuable than a backlink from a less-reputable website. In addition, a quality backlink is more likely to be seen by the search engine’s algorithms as being “relevant” to the topic of the website it is linking to.

 The more relevant and high-quality the backlinks, the higher the website’s rank. Do not acquire links from irrelevant websites because it is about quality, not quantity. Acquire votes from relevant and highly authoritative websites. 

4.2 Social Signals are important for off-page optimization

Social signals are an important part of SEO because they help improve your rankings on search engines. Social signals can be obtained from a variety of sources.  Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter can generate positive signals for your website. This is because people who like or comment on your website will be counted as positive signals. The same applies to people sharing your content on social media. 

 4.3 why Blogging important for off-page optimization

There are many reasons blogging is important for SEO, including blogs being an easy way to add more content to your site. Blogs can also be used to increase site traffic and provide a platform for you to interact with your audience. Blogs can also be used to build backlinks for your website.

Write blogs about your services and products on your website as useful content so that search engines give more weight to your site. You can use this to your advantage by creating a blog for your business and using it to share information with your customers and potential customers.

 4.4 Why Guest Posts important for off-page optimization

Guest posts are an effective way to get your content in front of a large audience of potential customers. Guest posting is one of the best ways to build backlinks to your site. The more backlinks you have, the higher your search rankings will be. Guest posting can also help you build relationships with other bloggers who may become your future customers.

5. Keep posting and updating content 

The reason behind updated content on your website is that Google will see it as a signal that you are actively maintaining your website and are committed to providing the best possible experience for your users. The other benefits include having a good user experience, attracting more traffic to your website, and being an authority domain in the future. 

Set a frequency for posting content and follow with consistency. Remain updated with trends and user problems will give you a lead to generate the content which is most desirable by users. 

6. Deliver the Best User Experience 

The best user experience is relevant, accurate, and easy to use. Companies must understand how to deliver the best user experience in their search engine results pages (SERPs). This will help them gain more visibility and more traffic to their site.

The other benefits of a UX approach include Better conversion rates. Improved user satisfaction. Increased revenue. Follow the below-mentioned steps to deliver the best user experience: 

Step 1: Identify your goals for products or services

Step 2: Identify the relevant problems related to your services and products

Step 3. Determine a user experience approach linking both; user needs and your solution

Step 4. Make a List of  alternative approaches

Step 5. Test the planned approach to see which one suits better to give a better experience to the user.

7. Add FAQs  in your blog posts

Google always appreciate helpful content for their user, which give the best experience. Adding FAQs brings more traffic to your website by giving all relevant answers to the questions asked by users. 

It is very important to add FAQs in your posts or articles because it will help you answer questions that your readers may have, and this way, they will be more likely to stay on your site longer and read more of your articles. This is one of the best ways to keep people returning to your website to find the solution to their problems.

8. How to become an Authoritative website 

Authority is one of the most important aspects of any website. A website with authority has been around for a while, has a lot of visitors, and is generally considered a reliable source of information for a particular niche.

To be an authoritative website, have a grip on your topic, sustain the ranking keep updating content on the site, have brand recognition (of your product/service)through trust and creditability, take relevant backlinks and compete with all these advantages.

You should also make sure that your website is easy to use. Visitors will have a much better experience if they can easily find the information they seek.

9. Ensure your Local Presence – Google My Business  (GMB)

If you deliver services or products in a specific location, do Local SEO through Google My Business (GMB) and rank your business in local searches. 

How to ensure local presence through Google my business

  1. Create an account on Google My Business 
  2. Add your business information e.g., website, operating hours, NAP (Name, Address, and Phone)
  3. Add photos that further elaborate on your products or services
  4. Keep updated the audience by posting 
  5. Get reviews o your business  from valuable customers
  6. Monitor your GMB account 

10. How to interact with the audience on your website

Audience interaction is a great way to engage your visitors and keep them on your site. It’s a simple technique that can add interest and variety to your site without writing much new content. The key is to make sure you have a clear call to action in the form of an exit link on every site page. You can also use this technique to build links to other pages on your site.

How to interact with your audience

Develop a content strategy with approaches to interact with the audience to know what your audience wants and does not want. Follow the following steps to increase interaction with users:

  • Use polls: Polls can be used to get information from your audiences, such as what they think about your product or service
  • Use surveys: Surveys can determine what people like and don’t like about your product or services. Moreover, you can get ideas to expand your services or product range by conducting the survey
  • Live chat allows your website visitors to interact with your company in real time.
  • Be responsive to comments: Respond to comments, whether positive or negative. 

11. Use Social Sharing Icons on the Website 

One of the best ways to get people to share your content is to use social sharing icons on your website. People love to share content they find interesting; if you put sharing icons on your website, you are giving them the perfect incentive to do so.

There are various reasons why sharing icons on your website is a good idea, including It can help get your content in front of more people. Your content will be shared more often, and thus, you will have more exposure. It can increase your traffic. People who visit your site are more likely to share your content if they see social sharing icons.

12. Rank according to Google’s algorithm updates

Google’s ranking algorithm constantly evolves, and changes can affect your rankings. For this reason, it is important to be informed about SEO and make necessary adjustments to your website so you don’t lose out on traffic and revenue.

Google roll-out the updates that affect the ranking of websites in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). If you follow the guideline, you will succeed in ranking higher. Keep an eye on Google Updates and incorporate the changes to stay on page # 1 of Google. Stay updated by following 


SEO helps businesses because it is one of the most effective marketing tools. SEO allows companies to connect with their target audience through organic searches, which in turn helps them to reach more customers. If you are new to SEO, please familiarize yourself with basic SEO terms.

When building your content, use relevant keywords in the text’s title, description, and body. Also, make sure to include quality backlinks to your website and get social signals.

Suggested Reads: Most In-Demand Fields in Digital Marketing – Complete Guide 2023


How SEO Helps Businesses to Rank on Google?

Google considers many factors to rank on Google; some of the very important factors are:
– Relevant and Quality content
– On-Page Optimizaiton
– Technical Optimization
– Off- PageOptimization
– Keep posting and updating content 
– Deliver the Best User Experience
– Adding FAQs in your posts
– Become an Authoritative website 
– Ensure GMB Profile (if you have a local presence)
– Interact with your audience
– Use Social Icons in posts
– Keep updating yourself with Google Updates (The most important factor)

How should keywords be placed in your content?

When it comes to keyword placement, you need to make sure that you use the right keywords in your content. Using keywords in the right place is important because it can improve how search engines rank your pages and make them more visible on the search engine results page. It can also help you get more traffic to your site.

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